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Wednesday 24 August 2016

Quintessence (25 of 365)

Welcome to day 25 of the 365 poem challenge.

Word of the day and title of our poem, Quintessence meaning "the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class."


He boarded 
He did not look back
He could not look beyond 
He could not foresee the failures
Of his time 
He bid goodbye to those behind him
He bowed inward 
He did not betray the 
Nerves quaking through him

He sat in a waiting space
He hummed alone 
He saw a stranger that looked familiar
He drew out his phone
A micro-world blaring in his palm

He disembarked
He was disembodied 
He hardly knew himself
He was neither present not there
He had a vague blankness about him
His obscurity burst uncomfortably from him like a curse

He lay in a coffin alcove
He supposed little
He reasoned life was inconsequential
He hoarded his thoughts 
Excitement and vigour flashed in his bleating soul 

But it was temporary and
Casually lost.

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