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Thursday 9 February 2017

Welcome to the Heat (182 of 365)

Welcome to day 182 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day vitriolic meaning "harsh, bitter, or malicious in tone."

Welcome to the Heat

I see waves undulating
And the ground melting and
The fatigue groping down only heavy sodden stinky steps

I see waves in my eyes and the tired aching red rings around pupils
Blistered by the dry blast of the wind and withered by the iridescent heat

I could strike a match against my back and the blue flame might compare to this 

I can feel water being pooled out of my back and collected like thousands of little invisible creatures in thousands of rivulets down my spin are carrying my sustenance away from me 

I am become a baron landscape of hairy oiled canyons and bunions and blisters and sores and rashes 

My hair is like hay
My hands are like gluggy potato
My feet are moist swamps 
My brain is drying up...

The constant draining burn is not vitriolic it simply is and it won't end and it won't care how deeply it is felt or scorned 

But for the cool breeze or a hot breeze or any breeze
There is now the stifling stillness of heat sapped air 
Feel the collective chokes.

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