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Friday 30 December 2011

When Viewed From Above

I just has an amazing thought! And it actually has to do with connecting two things, which as I once told a girl on a first date is all knowledge is about organizing and collecting different ideas. But I digress today I flew out over the Grand Canyon and had an amazing above view of Los Vegas.

I realized and this was one of my first thoughts how organized every thing looked from above, which I might add is in stark contrast to alot of the hill side.

Anyway the physics comes in because there is this odd discrepancy as far as I know about unifying the laws of physics for massive objects and for microscopic objects. You see to put it really stupidly big is somewhat near and elegant and small is random and apparently nothing exists there is just potential...

In any case my poem is all about a city or Vegas. Somehow the whole city looks so perfectly organized from above neat and ordered and yet the same objects on a smaller scale or from the ground are chaotic and the shape and nature of the streets is changing every second of the day. Anyway enjoy this poem...not sure it's great but I needed to share this interesting idea with someone. So I choose you my wonderful readers enjoy!

When Viewed From Above

Let the sights arrest you
Spiral wheels revolving
velvet magenta magnum yellow

Viewed from above and
Chaos starts to reorganize
The jagged broken nails of cliffs
Stacked upon each other gangrene

The greater arms of something or
Someone are clearer the higher
The view
the greater
the perspective
When observing the fault of land

There is after all no use blaming
The universe that so far up
all is well
And always was
But so far below Ruptures chaos
ferris wheels Spiraling endless phantom colours
Trailing through perfect corridors
But of course only when viewed
From above...

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