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Monday 5 December 2016

LSD (120 of 365)

Welcome to day 120 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day penny-farthing meaning: "a type of bicycle with a large front wheel and a much smaller rear wheel."


Projections of ghosts fill the horizon
Chords of light wail and yawn
Dispensing lasers divide and carve the flailing crowd 
The embryo of boiling life 
Gestating within the smouldering scampish urethral track
I am the excreta of s profound hallucinogenic God
I am the many armed demon of destiny Vishnu
I am the shifting of cerebral hemispheres
I am the lobotomised robotomised
Host of internal Polaroids
That snap and crack onto my brain
With pulse pounding precision
There are flashes in the dark
Whether from the strobe or my synapse 
Shooting dopamine
Shooting norepinephrine
Shooting serotonin

The air dances with fire flies the burst out of rotating finger nails
And the mouths of the crowds 
Entangle and fold into each other's
Like grotesque fleshy butterflies
Unicorns are born here
Penny farthings speed over rainbow laser roads 
Rotating rotors roar like propellers 
From trees that bloom pink and green on the blushing ceiling 

Pound pound pounding
Of the heart and soul 
Race for equilibrium 
The colours the colours 
Where am I...
What am I...

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