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Sunday 27 May 2012

Lonely Tree

Hey everyone,

I was driving down back from Canberra and I saw this lonely tree sitting in the middle of a field all by itself. It made me want to go over to it and hug it the clouds were going dark.

It was a funny thing to think really but it made me wonder why is that tree by itself, when it could be like other trees all together? I suppose maybe this was through human design or perhaps the quality of the soil. In any case there is something I think to be said of a tree who stands so tall and proud in the middle of a field; exposed to the scrutiny of the world.

So to you and all other lonely trees this poem is for you.

Lonely Tree

Lonely tree
Who stands alone upon a grassy field
The sky howling
The sky throbbing above

I notice you and remember
I see you lonely tree
So distant so free
Like no other trees
crowded in fields
Greener than yours

Do not give up tree
Live long live as you wish to be
One day I'll come
One day I'll sit
Under your long limbs
Under your long years

Then tree together
We will be
Only you and only me
Free at last to be

1 comment:

  1. That tree was pretty lonely. Loneliness isnt always a bad thing though, I like how you allude to that.
