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Wednesday 16 May 2012

Where were the Words

Sometimes poetry is the best way to vent. Has anyone reading this ever been bullied, well to me that's what this poem is. It's what happens after, it's that internal process. My internal processes are full of melodrama, but that's just the words I think with and tend to write in.
You ever have someone do something so cruel and then you just can't say anything back. Do you know that feeling when your throat goes dry? Do you know that feeling of being so embarassed that you just don't know what to say. That sense that this can't really be happening?
That's what this is all about. It all comes back to one simple question doesn't it. When you are bullied you never know the words. You don't know how to stand up and fight...and you always go away and ask yourself "Where were the words".
I hope you enjoy my poem.

Where were the words

Where were my words
When the world stopped working

Where was my plan
When it all vanished

What could I have done?
Is there such a thing as fairness?
Did I wait too long?

Where were the words

The words that might have saved me
Where are they now?

But lost in my stomach

Where is my head
 lost hovering warm and close
                                                     ...too close

Where was my heart
Radiant and pulsing
Ready to fight
Full of passion and conviction

Where was my courage
It came too late
in a time of delusional luxury and procrastination

Where were my friends
When the world turned dark
Where were they when knives
rammed through my heart.

1 comment:

  1. This is so honest and truly beautiful
