Once again thank you for coming! And I hope you enjoy this momentary distraction please leave your comments or thoughts. They are most welcome!

Sunday 6 November 2011

Going Forwards

If there is any lesson I've felt and known more keenly this year its the lesson of how things keep changing. We are all our own free agents. Everyone makes choices everyday and there's no turning back from them. We don't even understand that when it happens...but I think eventually I'll come to accept how little is within my control.

GoinG ForwardS

Going forwards
Not going back
Going forwards
Staying on track
Going forwards
Moving on never walking back
Going forwards
No regrets no past just
Going forwards
Unknown possibilities and opportunity
Going forwards
Feeling always afraid
Going forwards
No chance for relief
Going forwards
People and places will pass and all you can do is keep
Going forwards

1 comment:

  1. I like this one, it's empowering. I know you say that so much is out of your control, but this poem says the opposite to me, which is the beauty of poetry. Control or no control, I really like it. Looking forward to your next one.
