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Saturday 8 September 2012

Child Pornography

I don't know what made me think of this, it's a strange line of thought. I was thinking about well not child pornography, but just how sexualised we all are nowadays. And I was watching a music video and thinking how strange a thing sex is.

It's something we protect our children from ( well not that I have any kids). In it's most pure form though it's become a product, a product that I'm sure a lot of children are aware of. Why is it that so many things portrayed in so called "pop-media" betrays a moral failing in this department. So on that interesting line of thought, which probably requires more elaboration, but thankfully for you my audience, it's getting late in AUS so I'll end it here. As I said long ago, these poems are my words, but I know that what people get out of them will vary.

So have a read, and you know what here's hoping it gets you thinking.

Child Pornography

The girl with the bouncy breasts
smiles her lips are pink like candy
The boy too young to understand
this association notes his father transfixed
on something hidden and secret

The girl once thought bottoms were
for the toilet and other notions
were rather icky
her father trains her to sit with her bottom
on the seat and do as nature intends

the words wet moist and sticky
seem innocent enough
the words are not imbued with
anything but description

She is too young to understand
the purpose of thighs and the notion
of tingles
She doesn't know what lies in the open
the thoughts that were once secret

And how many see the girls
How many pause even now on streets
just to get a look

You look pretty
seems innocent enough.

The borders of her thighs are
more than an object
there is a history
it is silent and unwilling and unrelenting

The boy follows his father's transfixed gaze
he will soon possess the knowledge of flesh
for what are bodies but symbols after all

hollow carcases

Even the girl who is too young
is just another body to

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