Once again thank you for coming! And I hope you enjoy this momentary distraction please leave your comments or thoughts. They are most welcome!

Wednesday 15 February 2012


I'll admit as a friend kindly admitted to me ;) that not everything here is of the same standard and that is fair. This poem I'm in two minds about exposing for the very simple reason that it's a little too simple.

An odd accusation but really I think I'm just nervous at posting something that has so much repetition. After all we poets are known to be word smiths. Well I strode down the sunny street of the afternoon and I had one sense and word and feeling on my mind. 100 points if you can guess what it is.


Endless desires
Endless whims
Clouds endless and magnificent
Endless grandeur
Endless happiness
Endless obscurity
Endless dark
Endless and all knowing
Endless days
Endless nights
And all the nights wished to be endless
All moments endless in their own way
All love endless and depthless
Endless minds so inconceivable
Endless notions of complexity
Endless knowledge always to be lost
Endless uncovering
Endless stories to unfold
Memories endless as the
Endless threads allow
Electrical impulses
Constant living writhing endless

1 comment:

  1. The repetition really captures the central idea, I cant imagine this written any other way. Maybe I have a simple mind :)
    Keep wordsmithing!
