This one is almost like a memoir. I literally was walking along the courtyard, when I heard sirens ringing in the distance for a second. It's a pretty effective image I think to convey what I'm thinking. The sirens past and I realised if this world was someone's story - it isn't mine, because if it was I would be where the sirens were. Strange way to think...well hell we've al thought it some days.
I hope you enjoy it. It's quite a change of pace to the things I've put up recently, which I'll admit are not exactly user friendly. This one is simple, but I like it. It's an emotional rant in a lot of ways. But see what you get out of it. I know we've all had those days where we would kill to feel a little less ordinairy.
I am the ordinairy man
today sirens whirred I
turned my head and continued
white noise echoes in my
ordinairy ears
I climberd the ordinairy stairs
One eerily short step at
a time piece by piece
line by line I sit now
at the ordinairy screen
pure white not quite a halo
not quite as radiant as this
I am the ordinairy man
the windows covered in dirt
provide a pleasant view
from here ants weave
below me.
click click click
is the noise of my ordinairy
desk I can see smoke rising
bland and foggy unclear
to my ordinairy eyes
I am the ordinairy man
this is the ordinairy day
an ordinairy existence.
But inside the ordinairy man cries
"how much more I am
that you shall never see..."
I like how the simple, constant rhythm of this poem enforces its message. Also the last three lines conclude the poem perfectly. It reminds me a bit of Bukowski's Bluebird.