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Sunday, 10 April 2011


Interestingly, about a week before for about a few seconds, I felt extraordinairy. I'll post the little thing I wrote. It's more a monologue than a poem or thinking out loud. I went to the Rocks in Sydney and they had this charming market their (I had been looking for a burger joint - love burgers). I lined up and ordered a wagu beef burger. They handed it to me and I could still taste the smoke wafting up out of that tent, when I finally bit into it down by the quayside. For a few moments, I felt so small again. I loved it! It wasn't the biggest explosion of flavour in my mouth, but I felt warm and fuzzy. For a moment, I was in love with the world, so completely. It sounds ridiculous if you've ever seen Ratatouie you'll know what I mean (i apologise in advance for the spelling), but the scene where Anton Ego the critic takes the first bite of Renny's dish and gets immediatly sucked back into childhood. That is the best way I can describe what happened! Ah the simple pleasures of life. Now this is the very thing I wrote at that moment, let me share it with you now:
To be extraordinairy is to feel
To let your emotions flood in
To be completely overwhelmed and
In the intensity you exist in and
no longer deny it
Today is ordinairy but for a second
I was something more
Let me tell you friends. In that second I had a strange revelation, apparently I am absolutely fine and nothing needs to change for me to feel amazing! If only all of us could feel that sort of perspective every day...I can't wait for my next time :)

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