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Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Silence (200 of 365)

Day 200 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day cerulean meaning "deep sky blue."


What do you expect between breaths, between pages, between caresses.
Press on and glimpse the cerulean night, so clear and blank, is it a canvass for us? Was it intended?
No answers. Silence.
I met a man with gums on him that liked to run and squidge together making a hollow croaking noise.
Consider the nonsense, consider that we only have so much time. I check it regularly to ensure I am on time.
Appointments are satisfying. 
Dare I continue, what lays between us that I cannot reach you? What is missing to complete us? I only feel shadows and claws that dig into me - you insist that I stay away.
That's what I see in my heart a pendulum ticking back and forth, it reminds me of the end, if gravity will eventually allow it.
I am a pendulum and my life swings back and forth, back - 
Nothing more. 

Camisado (199 of 365)

Day 199 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day camisado meaning "a military mission occurring at night."


It is raining
It is so wet tonight
It's the type of night you 
Feel in your thighs 
The coolness tickles your warmest bits
It's the sort of night where you sit in your underwear
And the sun was there but now it's gone and the moon is ice 
And feet are cool and clammy
And you are there 
And we are there and the fan blows
And the bed takes us and me into you
And we complete our assault on each other and we lay and we mate
And then we sit quite as gnomes and listen to the tapping of rain on glass
Which leaves tiny slivers like sparks of ghosts grinding against the unknown. 

Candidate (198 of 365)

Day 198 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day Bruxism meaning "involuntary and habitual grinding of the teeth."

The Candidate 

The pursing of her lips
The bruxism of her teeth
The schism between her mind and heart
The amorphous space about her
The aura and the projections
Blue, purple, green 
The bottom of a sea choral bleached faded
Her knees knobbly poke out her skirt
Her stomach knotting over and over again and doing somersaults
Silhouettes in the adjoining board room
Tap tapping of pens 
Scrubbing out
Erasing whiting out 
White tight knuckles 
Brittle smile caving at the edges 
Hair tidy, makeup mild (relatively)
Skirt modest (relatively)
Jacket and coat formal pressed elegant.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Transit Lounge (197 of 365)

Day 197 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day fuselage meaning: "the main body of an aircraft."

Transit Lounge

The tall windows
Stare back at me and in them
I see my reflection 

A young boy runs up to the Windows
A battle weary mother at his side
He jumps up and down and exclaims with the only words he knows
I think there must be a word for this excitement
He stares out at the nose of the plane, it's great white fuselage
and the wings
His arms fidget and he points 
As if it's impossible to describe the majesty of what he sees 
There is wonder 
Nothing is mundane to him 
This is the discovery of flight
This is the discovery of the giant 
And indecipherable 
This is the discovery of the modern

The boy jumps about and takes his leave 
Then calls his father near to him
Gesturing frantic and wild 
With a smile a wingspan wide
The boy's father smiles
I find myself smiling too 

Suddenly I recall where I am 
In this great fortress that we made
That somehow belongs to them
Maybe they are alive
Maybe these great birds that beat us
Deserve more respect

The boy goes
It is time to board
Time to fly. 

Portrait of the Dying (196 of 365)

Day 196 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day sallow meaning: "
(of a person's face or complexion) of an unhealthy yellow or pale brown colour."

Portrait of the Dying

An elderly man lies upright in his hospital bed
He makes no fuss
And all noise he tries falls mute
On every ear 
His harsh complaints might as well be a dogs bark 

The man becomes sallow
There are few flowers or photographs nearby that draw him
The flower petals are turning brown
The stems sag and turn the vase water cloudy 

The tubes connect him to the hospital and to life
This is his life 
The words palliative and care
Displayed proudly beside one another
Oxymoron he considers
But no one is here to experience his wit 
Not anymore.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

My fat blue tie (194 of 365)

Day 194 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day autotomy meaning "The casting off of a limb or other part of the body by an animal under threat, such as a lizard."

My Fat Blue tie

My fat blue tie rests 
Like a cow tongue on my chest
It's tip lays just above my belt
And trousers 

My fat blue tie is knotted
And tight against my white neck
It melds my shirt against my skin
Seals me into my suit and
My work persona

My fat blue tie 
Slips and slides 
Eternally shifting but to me
It is always stationary 
And time is frozen to its autotomous tail Like a pendulum.

; (amphibology) (195 of 365)

Day 195 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day amphibology meaning: "a phrase or sentence that is grammatically ambiguous."

; (amphibology)

A passing passion
Hangs in the balance
Without determination
Spiralling endlessly and myopically

The tower cranes 
Hoist an interminable load
An interminable loads continue
To be stacked like Duplo blocks
And the tower cranes are unwieldy as a toddler

Joe Bloggs catches a whiff of
Industry on his way in 
He catches up and does his business
Then he's on his way out
His suit and tie trailing
His white collar subsistence 

Monday, 20 February 2017

Failure (193 of 365)

Day 193 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day argute meaning "shrewd."


Reading stories of long fought battles and hard fought alliances
Reading stories of helpless victims and argute defilers
Reading stories of (perhaps) wasted efforts and wasted lives
Reading stories that are inconvenient and non-ending
Reading stories about relentless forces of darkness and nature 
Reading stories of impossible struggles of tsunamis, volcanoes of famines of wars of corrupt rulers 
Reading stories of false hope felt too late
Reading stories of selfishness without remorse or recompense
Reading stories of victimisation
Reading stories of the helpless become dependent and then of the dependent slammed with sharp inflammatory stones
Reading stories of condemnation and rejection of religion of secularism 
Reading stories where there is no truce
Reading stories of rebels and regimes
Reading stories of countries lost and founded and raped and pillaged and historically languishing or historically spurned 
Reading stories of twisted orthodoxy and radical affiliations 
Reading stories of conflicting ideals and the plunge to violence
Reading redundant histories
Reading repeated mistakes
Reading forgotten failures of wars and conflicts and where it all went wrong...

Rotary (192 of 365)

Day 192 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day apoptosis meaning: "the death of cells which occurs as a normal part of an organism's growth or development."


The rotation of wheels 
Became the way of the world
Horses pulled wheels
Then engines pulled wheels 
Then electricity was forged by wheels 
The breakdown of the atomic wheel heralded a modern age
We each have our conception and apoptosis.

Each day the balls of my feet 
Contemplate and resist fatigue
They know only one way 
They roll forward just as sure as gravity 
My wheels turn

The wheels of my eyes are tired and dry 
Shapes blur in and out of focus 
Images projected onto the retina 
A turning projector wheel
In my mind sends ragged clips
Of memories and thoughts, lists, tasks operations that circulate back and forth 

There is a wheel pistoning 
Neurones and impulses 
I feel it zig and zag like lightning
Is my grey matter scorched 
It seems so 
Where did this weariness come from
When did I lose the momentum of polished wheels
Where did the inertia go
What was the trigger for this grounding deafening halt 

I demand that the wheels turn
I demand an end to these wearisome tones 
I demand an end to this
I demand an end.

Ocean Waves (191 of 365)

Day 191 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day anfractuous meaning "winding or circuitous."

Ocean Waves 

I feel at peace in the sight of 
Ocean waves
The ones that look green 
The ones that ripple and swirl
And circle the rocks playfully

The water is freezing 
Unpleasantly so 
Until I dive all the way in
There's no peace until after the plunge straight down
The cold evaporates and the murky world splays itself before my eyes
There is life and dust 
There are so many invisible stories here

I throw my head back like a surfer in a perfume add 
The pretentious type 
Where there's a new world 
And there's nothing but me and this cold blue 

There is no end to it
You can't break this down
You can't make it less
The greatness is there
It dwarfs everything
I am so small
I am nothing here 
I could dissolve and my skin and bones become dust 
I could become the bed of this great pythonic sea 

I lie on my back 
Allow myself to sink down
My nostrils teasing at the surface 
I feel the water smear my insides
It's salty and penetrating and itching and biting 
My lungs hiss and garble 
I jerk up
Another wave comes and laps at my waist 
Then another comes anfractuous
And another and another.

Doubting my place (190 of 365)

Day 190 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day bibliophile meaning: "
a person who collects or has a great love of books."

Doubting my place

I question what happens next
I hope the answer will come to me and I won't have to find it 
That's a pleasant idea 
But my head burns with longing
To seize upon an invisible thread and pull it bare, to rip open the vein and expose the meat of something

I sit in a chair and drift along 
Quite silent and contemplating
The air is pleasant enough neither stale nor fresh 
My legs are squashed and compressed
I foresee a long hill and the sun beating down
I see water at the top waiting for me
Cool quenching glorious 
I shall not run and the road will be long 

I doubt I'll find anything there than
A mundane pleasant evening 
That I can sink into
Like a fat man groaning into the folds of a familiar lounge 
I know that a movie plot will not find me  there is not yet a turning point im aware of and im the author so that's a problem

I prefer reading 
A natural bibliophile
Writing was never my strong suit.

I lost my patience (189 of 365)

Day 189 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day tirade meaning "
a speech of violent denunciation."

I lost my patience

I arrived and the papers were astray
I arrived and nothing was going my way
I arrived and nasal voices blasted complaints into my ears: why, what will you do about it
My plaintiff reply nothing - (my thought I should do nothing but end this call)

I lost my patience in the blazing heat
I lost my patience in my lack of sleep on sweat stained sheets
I lost my patience at insistence and questions with out end
I lost my patient when the carpet was yanked out from under me

I lost my patience by the sea
As a mother screamed for her girl to return (she was insane but nonetheless)
I lost my patience in a gaggling mob of enthusiasm
Which made me question mine
I lost my patience as the laughter and talk overflowed into my hours of prepared presentation 
I lost my patience when I went to the grocery store and wandered dehydrated and confused (a burger was not the right choice for my throat at the time)

I didn't have any left to bear your criticism with humility and dignity
So I fought
I launched into a deliberate tirade 
I fought because I had lost so many battles and I was humiliated and because I felt useless and deflated
And because with you I could fight and I could be angry 
But I lost my patience with that too

Now that the smoke has cleared
I wished I had given you my patience all of it
...its too late now though 
I can only hope and wish and pray
That perhaps at the end of the day
It will replenish that we will wear another day 
That this can be put behind 
And you'll then have what was denied. 

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

The Return (188 of 365)

Day 188 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day winsome meaning: "charming in a childlike or naive way."

The Return 

I am sure there will be a return
I am sure that there is a winsome sunny shore for me
Do you recognise the feeling of drowning the way it ages you in an instant and then the tension releases and droops and unspools
And becomes sloppy elastic and tired...

A sunset is a pleasant bookend
It's a conclusion 
No one ever considers what follows it when the Cowboys ride into it
That the orange glow and darkness benign and cool gives way to the radiant tyrant of a new dawn 
And the crow clawed sleep deprivation of the day

I long for a return 
A return to what? 
Going backwards to youth 
To feel sand and nothing else
To feel all the cares being absorbed the clots of problems and issues and minutiae being drained away pouring down the drain swirling the drain oozing out spiralling down 

Accept the hopelessness
Embrace the coolness
And then you'll find yourself there spat out tired but luxurious raking on the shore and your feet will take the sand and you'll rue the day 
You ever despaired 

For respite has come
The redemption has come
The resolution has come
The revolution has come 
The return has come.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Recombobulation (187 of 365)

Day 187 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day recombobulation meaning: "the act of putting back into order, removing confusion."


It might concern you to know 
That murder lurks in he passengers 
To your left and right 
Walk down one particular dimensional gate and shake in just rightly in all the wrong places 
And there it is 
The ugliness

It might surprise you to know
The pairs of eyes that cannot deny your allure each and every day
Many wanted, but unwilling to lock and link and then supposedly love or obsess or lust after or lose control

It ought to concern you 
That when you dream you're dying
Each night switching off and losing all control and yet it's so peaceful isn't it 
You want it now don't you?
Because there's nothing there really
Even when it's made up you'll wake and then know it's nothing
And say you never wake then it won't be anything at all

Each cycle of the sun and the moon
Which is in fact an orbit and gravity plays its tricks which we like to label days and months and years
After numerous bloody battles
The ways and whys have consolidated 
The messy hunk of past has been

Monday, 13 February 2017

Chips and soda (186 of 365)

Day 186 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day zephyr meaning "a slight wind."

Chips and soda

Something soft and yellow and brown and pink bursts in my teeth
The fatty loaf and its sugar sag down into my gums and stomach
There's a sugar burst and then a craving for more
The fizzy fixer follows lighting up my throat which aches for more popping carbon dioxide 
The ozone bubble erupts and splits
Amongst the gelatinous white, yellow and pink gunk that washes together and congeals and finally
Rips right out the urethra
First a whining zephyr is expelled and then the groaning starts 
As the colon yodels and undulates
Finally the gunk explosion of methane and violent smells like a volcano.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Lost touch with the light (185 of 365)

Day 185 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day Stockholm-syndrome meaning: "feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim towards a captor."

Lost touch with the light 

There is a dormant fire
Where Stockholm-syndrome lives 
In deep attics and tin sheds
Where flesh withers
And eyeballs yearn for the strength of tears 
and the energy of agony 
And the presence of hopelessness within the shades of melancholic choking blackness

The retching shade of their own inner darkness is burning in the freezing tempest 

The absence 

I knew a story of a girl who dreamed to vomit out her demons
But was strapped down by an invisible vice and 
Prevented the scream only to smile polite like a porcelain doll even beside 
The cruel god of her world
Even beside the salvation 
Even beside kind faces
Even beside the hope of support
Even beside the world of light 

But she was lost 
She had lost something 
She had lost touch with the light. 

The Youth (184 of 365)

Day 184 of the 365 day poem

Word of the day vicissitude meaning: "
a variation in circumstances or fortune."

The Youth

I am golden time revival
I am held and happy
I am reborn kissed by wind
I am silk and satin 
I am lord and master 
I am eternal keeper of joy
I am put upon 
I am veneer shining
I am flexible, sultry Sunday
I am pliable and sedentary
I am short on the road 
I am keen of spirit and gait
I am love-lorn and love-torn
I am brazen bashfulness 
I am the vicissitude 
I am the plucky hero
I am the falling from grace 
I am the peacock parade
I am the inebriated paramour
I am the relentless undying
I am motivation incarnate
I am concluding and never-ending.

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Enervated (183 of 365)

Day 183 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day enervated meaning: "make (someone) feel drained of energy or vitality."


Sinking body
Sagging eyelid
Closing black heavy
Brain whirring 
Try to reboot 
Collapsing consciousness
Tunnel vision
The fading fog of vision
Dizzy spell
Weighing down 
Sinking unpeeling
Depress sinking
Tumble circling
Sinking succumbing 
Drops sinking
Dropping sinking
Careening swooping
Down onto soft enveloping 
Suffocating sleep.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Welcome to the Heat (182 of 365)

Welcome to day 182 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day vitriolic meaning "harsh, bitter, or malicious in tone."

Welcome to the Heat

I see waves undulating
And the ground melting and
The fatigue groping down only heavy sodden stinky steps

I see waves in my eyes and the tired aching red rings around pupils
Blistered by the dry blast of the wind and withered by the iridescent heat

I could strike a match against my back and the blue flame might compare to this 

I can feel water being pooled out of my back and collected like thousands of little invisible creatures in thousands of rivulets down my spin are carrying my sustenance away from me 

I am become a baron landscape of hairy oiled canyons and bunions and blisters and sores and rashes 

My hair is like hay
My hands are like gluggy potato
My feet are moist swamps 
My brain is drying up...

The constant draining burn is not vitriolic it simply is and it won't end and it won't care how deeply it is felt or scorned 

But for the cool breeze or a hot breeze or any breeze
There is now the stifling stillness of heat sapped air 
Feel the collective chokes.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Be Irenic (181 of 365)

Day 181 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day irenic meaning: "aiming or aimed at peace."

Be Irenic

Be peace and calm 
Be purposive be explicable
Be reverent be sure be pure
Be persuasively benign be punctual 
Be humble be assured 
be demonstrative 
Be fierce be strong be firm
Be a brick wall when the moment calls
Be co-dependent be compassionate
Be just be warm be forgiving
Be assertive be prepared
Be scared at the right times 
Be malleable be hardened steel
Be irenic and bring peace. 

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Utilitarian Monotony (180 of 365)

Day 180 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day utilitarian meaning: "having a useful function."

Utilitarian Monotony 

His fingers click and type 
Her fingers click and type
The walls of cubicles separate then
A modern love story 
Will they won't they
The phone rings their headsets light up
They animate for the allotted minute or so
Her fingers click and type
His fingers click and type
The cycle repeats 
She has not time to smile
He is on his next call 
(today he magnet quota)

Secrets (179 of 365)

Day 179 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day ubiquitous meaning: "being present everywhere at once."


Two young lads are at a church
They clap their hands 
After the sermon 
But no one joins them
Can you imagine what they must think

Two young lads one in his bed
In the seminary the door creaks open
He has an expected guest
It is just the two of them 
Their two pale bodies in the starlight
Can you imagine what they must say

Two young lads one recites the chapter he's been taught to memorise his eyes keep each line keenly
The other sits on the church pews 
The other one can memorise little save for wrinkles and hairs and age and wrongness 
Can you imagine all that they do not say

Two young lads one approaches the other as if to speak 
This is the ultimate confession
This will be liberation
But the tall men in their capes are near at hand
They make a wall 
The crowd of others their smiles untroubled unwrinkled un-smeared
Imagine all he will never say 

Two lads in a Covent 
The lad behind the pew is tall and full-minded 
He finds the second lad jerking by his head as his body rocks
He forgets he shows the body conveys it happily to the earth 
Buries it all 
Asks no questions 
The boy is ubiquitous 
The Covent is a crypt of questions and secrets 
Imagine all that might have been.

Of the woman n. (178 of 365)

Day 178 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day truculent meaning:
"defiantly aggressive."

Of the woman n.

Likeness to lavender
munificent megalomaniac 
Splendiferous cadaverous 
Bounding bountiful beauteous
Indigo Crimson magenta
Lucifererous mischievous 
nepotist narcissist neat
Toady truculent tanrantulean 
Fervent fun frockish
Lush lullaby languishing
Suave sweet saccharine 
Coquettish course circumspect
Artful ambivalent alluring
Posturing pensive poised 
Maeve, neon, highlights

Honey orange-peel  cinnamon
Savoury thyme myrtle 
Sweet raspberry sour cherry
Marinated jasmine, oolong 
Paperbark dew smoke 

Luscious voluptuous lascivious 

Take Solace (177 of 365)

Day 177 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day trenchant meaning: "having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought."

Take solace 

When danger is near
When clouds are grey
When strangers frown 
And your head is downcast
Take it in absorb it

When friends recoil
When grief descends
When sombre omens appear
And you are lost in fear
Take time to remember
Take time to forget

When heroes seem empty
When rhetoric no longer talks 
When speeches are worn
And promises are torn
Take reflection be trenchant 

When rivals tear 
When countries do war
When the world collapses
And everyone seems divided
Take note it will not always be
Take note very few want this

Fall from Grace (176 of 365)

Day 176 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day torpid meaning: 
"in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation."

Fall from Grace

She fell on him
She had never felt that way
That dizzy that sensual
She was an object and
He subjugated her
And all the cliches were true
She was beauty incarnate and
He made her so with each 
Aching thrust 
It hurt and then it didn't 
And then she wanted it to hurt

Then it hurt again
It hurt when people watched her
It hurt when she tried to cover up
It hurt after she covered her shame
No clothes were large enough to conceal
So she let such cares scatter themselves to the wind
She opened her mouth and her body
She splayed herself across the streets
She was lashed and bruised 
Under the weight of all that contempt and judgment
The throne she'd briefly occupied had become a prison

Platitudes came easily 
Falsehood is easy when it's essential
He saw nothing significant
He saw no sacrifice
He saw nothing special 
And so she questioned it all
But she continued on as she must

Her emotions, her face, her legs remained torpid through the seasons
She had finally reached the end of the beginning.

Saturated (175 of 365)

Day 175 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day surfeit meaning: "overabundance."


There is a point of numbness
Where all the jumble of the world
Filters down the black ooze leaches out
What is left of the empty words 
I am reminded of the coffee dripping slowly through
I feel like a bloated man surfeit with big cereal bowls of propaganda and opinions and views and notions and ideas 

This high speed thing we are in 
Can still only slowly dribble down
And filter through to the masses
I hear a word, a sentence, a headline, a tweet 
Videos are easier
Photos are easier 
There is no filter 
There is no digestion
Just images being blasted smacking into my cerebral cortex
Trying to find purchase and 

the meaning is there 
If only I had the time to filter through it.

Syllogism (174 of 365)

Day 174 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day syllogism meaning "an instance of a form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn from two given or assumed propositions (premises)."


She splayed her white flesh
It was open at the chest and thigh
She was young and she smiled in my direction with red painted lips
And dark brown dancing hair

She spoke and I was not aware of the words only the grind of her hips and the music

Her breath and mine commingled
I followed her through the crowd
Just the two of us
Her head shaking not a word
Between us just a dance floor of sweat and heat and bodies 
But only the two of us 

She took my drinks one and two
She spoke said things that were lost in the rhythm her eyes were widening with interest as her chest was burgeoning and bulging out her top

She adjusted her dress straps
She was vulnerable and innocent
In that moment like a doe that begged for her protector or a hunter
I grabbed her hand 
She recoiled her face filled with so much life and the lights of her beauty
Scrunched itself up into an ugly 
Concoction of powder and grease

In disgust I grabbed her 
smearing her foundation over my hands
Watching the grease drip away
Noticing the broken line of her oozing mascara
She drew back like an injured animal

I deduced at that time it was appropriate to leave
I darted through the oppressive all seeing and unseeing eyes of the crowd
I imagined her wailing like a wounded beast but there was only the thump of the bass...

Sunday, 5 February 2017

The seeds of doubt (173 of 365)

Day 173 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day staid meaning: "
characterized by dignity and propriety."

The seeds of doubt 

I missed her and all her dreams 
I thought I knew her
Then her image splayed across Facebook and Twitter
This woman obese on drink and food and laughter
So casually her hands splayed against other women and men's chests
It was an internal loss of motion
An internal slam of a train into my skull 
Lack of comprehension sensation
Do you know what it is to be numb?
To question reality?
I was part of a something and 
It was all a lie
So I sank down lying on my bed feeling the blankets Crimson fold over me and into me
Pushing me down wrapping around my neck 
Snaking over my legs and tying me done and breaking my bones
I looked up at the spinning fan cycling around but there was no staid piece 
From the dizzying laughter and phantoms of her drunk and dancing
About an invisible pole in my mind
And she was slipping downward out of sight becoming a shade and all that I knew was slipping out of my grasp and out of comprehension.