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Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Hey Everyone,

This poem is dedicated to a really special friend of mine. I'm incredibly happy for her and yet sad at the same time, because I know she's moving on in her life and the path she's heading down for better or worse will change things between us. She's a pretty cool girl I can assure you, but really I suppose this poem is about friendship it's about that constant fight in our lives over priorities and ultimately, it's about how as hard as it can be sometimes, we all have our own personal roads to follow.

This is  Lillies.


we walk in shallow graves
with distant memories around
our ankles like flowers
lillies bobbing on the surface

a beautiful mark left behind
on the pool and is it 
impossible to keep treading
water in the depths

of another to stay with
them or do we all give way
to nature as she sounds our call
do we all let the lillies carry on their way

do we just watch and 
try not to cry as
we all take our own 
separate boats down

the current

and step back into
the shallow grave
dreaming hopes that
can never be.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. I'm sure this would mean a lot to her.
