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Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Bitter Teeth

What began as an exercise in venting turned into something slightly more intellectual. I have to admit I really like what the title to this poem suggests. I think people underestimate how powerful a title is to the meaning of the piece. In a way I like to think a title tells you how to read something.

So this is another move to do something more structured. Structure my poetry tutor said is a pretty wide concept basically it's any sort of limitation imposed on the piece. It could be a rhyming scheme or number of words on each line or letters on each line. It's a fun way to challenge yourself imposing limits on language because it actually helps expand how you use language. Interesting paradox I know. Anyway bitter teeth is limited by words per lines but also the type of phrases I used as you will see I tried to limit as well.

Bitter Teeth

Bite and tear
Rend and squash
Rupture and seal
Burn bite and break

Fallen and beauty
Ugly and pain
Good and death
Cold blank and unfeeling

Dark wretched and lost

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