Once again thank you for coming! And I hope you enjoy this momentary distraction please leave your comments or thoughts. They are most welcome!

Wednesday 20 June 2012



Why do we all sit there and say its okay
Why do we all hope it's not our problem
Why do we all think feeling sorry is enough
Why do we dwell on things as it that will fix them
Why do we think we should mask the nasty but do it anyhow
Why do we stand still as our friends suffer
Why do we not care as long as we can't see the pain
Why do we make sure we never meet eshothers eyes for too long
Why do we do things we know are wrong
Why do we do it when we know it will hurt them
Why do we lie to ourselves that it's okay
Why is it so hard to help
Why is it too much to expect a helping hand
Why are we not allowed to demand kindness
Why is kindness a present and not essential
Why do we treat each other like this.

Why do we know the right but choose the easy
Why is it easier to forget and deny suffering
Why is it so easy to think about ourselves
Why is it so important to think of ourselves first
Why did we forget to trust
Why do we need to believe in something more
Why do we sacrifice people for monetary gain
Why do we compete with each other and not lend a hand
Why is personal sacrifice in vain if it's for anyone else
Why did we forget to value anything other than us
Why do I feel the need to write this
Why do I bother
Why do I cry out in pain and anger
Why do I need right now for someone to tell me I'm wrong
Why can't I just accept how things are.

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