Day 207 of the 365 day poem challenge.
Word of the day deterge meaning: "to cleanse something thoroughly."
Unworthy poem
Who is to say what is worthy
To write about
I am not sure this is worth your time
But apparently it's not something
That time will let me let go of
So a man sits on a train in Sydney
The trains have these three person seats (designed for three modest persons)
So what does this fellow in the stripe top do
Sit right at the edge of the aisle
He had essentially blocked passage to the two other modest persons
He knows what he's done
I wonder if he feels a burning pain in his heat and he knows my contempt my narrowed eyes
If I could shoot some guilt into him I would
Maybe he's too old and worn to care
No he's barely a sextenarian
There needs to be an exorcism
A deterge of the fools heart
Anyway I am spent
And am left in contempt
For this gent
This perfectly able bodied arse wipe
I pray someone will ask please shuffle on over
Someone may eventually and then my rage will spike again as he turns his fruity eyes
And in them you'll find one thing only
I'm sure of it
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