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Sunday, 18 December 2016

The Circuit (129 of 365)

Day 129 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day hegemony meaning: "the dominance or leadership of one social group over others."

The Circuit 

Jarring cyclone headache
Beating down my soul 
Gears grinding of a public service
Broken and rusted and spent 
The cogs are laughing and joking
They have demon faces 
Filled to the brim of desperation

I saw a fellow and a lady stare in confusion upon the threshold
Of declared but rotten justice
I saw the public lack confidence
I saw nothing change
I saw the moth balls of frenzy and failures collect like head lice

Thrashing hadron-collider 
Blast my particles to bits
With inanity and archaism
And lack of judgement and lack of courage and lack of preparation
And overly sodden gears and grinders
And overly geared parts slick with 
The oil of youth and inexperience
To be lorded over and 
Talked down to 

Hopeless spiralling cataclysm 
Like a train crash
Whining careening screAming 
At the rending of steel
And shattered 

Presiding the nepotistic oligarch 
Like the gods Saturn and Jupiter ensnaring all the bit players in their rings 
Presiding hegemony posing as the rule of law
Presiding arbitrary and capricious 
Presiding unformed and unprincipled 
Presiding ill formed and grotesque. 

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