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Tuesday, 20 December 2016

No Hope (134 of 365)

Day 134 of the 365 day poem challenge.   

Word of the day meaning licentious meaning: "lacking moral discipline."

No Hope

Hope is a cool water in a stream
I am parched 
Trapped underneath responsibility 
And regret 
My heart is torn and bitterness is easier now 
Gratitude so quickly rent apart and
Reminisce on innocent ignorance knowing better
Licentious largesse discoloured veins and obese ineptitude 

Hope is a cool water in a stream
I am drowning in hopelessness 

I feel it coming (133 of 365)

Day 133 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day kleptomania meaning "the inability to refrain from the urge to steal items and is usually done for reasons other than personal use or financial gain."

I feel it coming 

Soundtrack sonic ohms watts
That cornucopia kaleidoscope world 

Speeding swelling soaring 
Fancy free kleptomania

Holding fast and soaring
Like Eagles in a neon sky

Riptides burn rhythms fast
Onto the soul like slithering snakes 

Names we know
Emotions we know
Feelings we realise
I feel the pulse pounding
I feel the rise in heart beat like a roaring lion
I feel the discordant drummer beating so desperate as if for me alone
I feel it all
I feel it coming.

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Playlist (132 of 365)

Day 132 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day Taciturn meaning: "Reserved or uncommunicative in speech."


We never go out of style
Starships are meant to fly
Diamonds in the sky

Are you ready for the ruffnek base
God made me cool
We're crazy sexy marvellous 

Loving every minute 
Loving each day 
I want your soul 

It seems ugly but it could be worse
I am lost without you
We're so bored so sick and tired 

Baby you're a firework
This fire 
Light up the world tonight 

You're my best friend
Play the game of love
Don't stop me now 

I feel it coming 
One more time 
Last night I had a dream about you

We seek out the taciturn
The killing moon
You got that super bass

Harder faster stronger 
You give me something
Say you'll remember me ...

In your wildest dreams.

Legerdemain (131 of 365)

Day 131 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day legerdemain meaning "an illusory feat."


I would say that there is little for you to gain in reading this poem
Please do not read any further
These are thoughts spilled on a page
This is a mess 
This is messy and broken and oily and imperfect
Please you're embarrassing me
This has my name on it
I write like a toddler
Did you know that?
Do you want to know anymore
Are you hoping to get to the secret of this poem
This is not a poem this is a waste of time
This is monotony and you have nothing better to do
And you'll read this in two seconds and it took me only twice that to write it 
Four seconds isn't much
But why waste it stop please
I don't want you to read or know this
It's empty hollow 
My head is filled with one lonely whining voice now it is on this page 
The narrator is a construct
I am a construct and I am blurring reading and writing and you are buying into that aren't you
Don't read this
Don't read this
Don't read any further 
I learned repetition is a good way to get your point across
Do you like the swaying in and out
Did you notice how some lines go on and on and some thoughts 
Meander and curves and then


The Youth (130 of 365)

Day 130 of the 365 poem challenge.

Word of the day impecunious meaning: "not having enough money to pay for necessities."

The Youth 

Impecunious idiot inhibited 
Proclivity pompous perfunctory
Magisterial manipulative machiavellian

Ideal ignoble inimitable 
Prelate parliamentarian prestigious
Majestic mentor methodical 

Ionic ignored immaculate 
Predestined prefect perspective
Morose melancholy machinations

Idolator impregnable impassable
Palpable permeating periphery
Macabre malevolence misappropriated 


The Circuit (129 of 365)

Day 129 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day hegemony meaning: "the dominance or leadership of one social group over others."

The Circuit 

Jarring cyclone headache
Beating down my soul 
Gears grinding of a public service
Broken and rusted and spent 
The cogs are laughing and joking
They have demon faces 
Filled to the brim of desperation

I saw a fellow and a lady stare in confusion upon the threshold
Of declared but rotten justice
I saw the public lack confidence
I saw nothing change
I saw the moth balls of frenzy and failures collect like head lice

Thrashing hadron-collider 
Blast my particles to bits
With inanity and archaism
And lack of judgement and lack of courage and lack of preparation
And overly sodden gears and grinders
And overly geared parts slick with 
The oil of youth and inexperience
To be lorded over and 
Talked down to 

Hopeless spiralling cataclysm 
Like a train crash
Whining careening screAming 
At the rending of steel
And shattered 

Presiding the nepotistic oligarch 
Like the gods Saturn and Jupiter ensnaring all the bit players in their rings 
Presiding hegemony posing as the rule of law
Presiding arbitrary and capricious 
Presiding unformed and unprincipled 
Presiding ill formed and grotesque. 

Thursday, 15 December 2016

First Love (128 of 365)

Day 128 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day pert meaning: "characterised by a lightly exuberant quality."

First Love 

And the girl was pert and she danced and she giggled
And she met him the boy
Unlike the others 

She saw him and cheekiness 
Became her and overcame her
He chided her with false promises
The meadow of dreams was made
The possibilities soared through their brains like fires burning

The girl who was pert is ugly without curiosity and unknowing
She cannot unsee she cannot
Undo what has been played upon her
Stolen words enchanted scenes
Amazing sights and sounds 
The blurring of light and sound and sense
Her old colours seen illusory
She wants to grow petals of bright purple and plant her feet bury herself into the ground and bloom into something beautiful her soul
Dissolving back into the earth 
To be content to be nibbled on from time to time be bees 

Those stolen joys 
Those words caught in the throat
Those ideas of destiny and hope and love 
All dashed and there she is 

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

The Angry Judge down on the Junior (127 of 365)

Day 127 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day pejorative meaning: "expressing disapproval."

The Angry Judge bears down on the Junior 

The flap of his ropable lips
Hung like a pejorative horse 
Postulating and me in my ignorance
Did much nodding and smiling 
The talented mute Mr Raging 
Donkey thinks to himself
Handing out a diatribe
Like unwanted porridge stain
There is no white flesh to the course mangosteen 
Of his palpable rage and contempt
Be like a mouse I say to myself
Be timid and unsure and futile
Be useless and condemn thyself
So the declaration is handed down
Disappointment rains down 
Indemnifying my blue soul
With self-righteousness.

There is Peace (126 of 365)

Day 126 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day palliate meaning: " 
When you palliate something, you try to make something less bad."

There is Peace

There is peace
As there is silent bliss

There is peace in a fractured skull

There is peace in suffocating mud

There is peace in decay 

There is peace in the slow pull of Autumn in all things

When the urge to palliate and repair is lost there is catharsis and there is palliative peace...

There is peaceful surrender in doom

There is bliss in ignorance 

There is joy in never being frightened in never being never ever 

There is an ending in war and blood
There is an ending and there is peace.

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Chiswick (125 of 365)

Day 125 of the 365 day poem challenge. 

Word of the day neophyte meaning "any new participant in some activity."


Glasshouse, white, fresh, white coloured 

Neophytes, munificent, dour middlings, jabbering jays

Garden, marble, footpath, Boardwalk

Seats, stools, stilettos, steers, schooners, smears

Leaves, grass, roots, legumes, cattle

Noisy, subdued, glasshouse, sun, dizziness 

Chinking toasts, matte foundation, Crimson and lilac lips

Children, posies, well oiled waiters, incompetent photos 

Penumbra (124 of 365)

Day 124 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day penumbra meaning "the partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by an opaque object."


His hands on hers
His eyes beyond
His eyes searching
His eyes preying

Her lips pouting
Her lips twisting
Her hands twitching
Her eyes tentative 
Her eyes down and unfocused

His eyes on the other
His eyes like antennae

He picks up a glass
The top of the water is unseen
as it courses 
Silently down his throat.

Thief (123 of 365)

Welcome to day 123 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day mawkish meaning "excessively sentimental or so sappy it's sickening."


Riding in the back of the car
The lights are flashing red 
In the black night like the 80s
A mawkish melody
There is music and insects

The radio crackles 
The road is deserted and in this light romantic
Two people
His eyes are off in the distance and on the wheel

Then they're full of lust
Those white balls 
Impenetrable and frightening 
The touches are delicate
The searching until he finds 
The soft folds he has been thinking about 

He places those soft hands on 
His lap not forceful
The noise of insects is replaced with sweat more powerful than aeroguard it kills the world around

There is a frantic scrambling
There is no noise no smile not laugh
Nakedness is palpable 

This could be anywhere
Images of animals on their backs 
Permissive and open come to mind
There is no pain just numbness
Then it is done.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Colt (122 of 365)

Welcome to day 122 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day Colt meaning " a young uncastrated male horse, in particular one less than four years old."


I once read a book
The girl was so disenchanted with
Humanity she became a horse
It made me sad
She was lost
Cartoony flair aside 
She would prefer to stay this way
I could not comprehend
It was impossible of course
But there was no moral
Or rhyme or reason
I found myself observing horses
I saw some wisdom in what
I had always assumed to be dead eyes
But the expressions of their bodies
We're more powerful than
Mine their feet and straight faces
Knew which turns to make 
and how to step
I saw a language and beauty
I considered galloping must be like flying or driving
At once the pedals of their hooves disappear
And sensation is lost in gliding through grass over fields
I considered for a moment
The life of a Colt
The wind in my mane the sense of freedom
Then I saw the fence 
I realised then we were the only ones truly free.

Monday, 5 December 2016

The tale of the schlemiel (121 of 365)

Welcome to day 121 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day schlemiel meaning: "a stupid, awkward, or unlucky person."

The tale of the schlemiel 

Good day sir said the schlemiel 
Good morrow replied the fat reprobate 
They strolled on each to their own business 
the schlemiel could not connive why such beautiful trees bloomed by the river
He tipped his hat down to the mayors wife Lillian, who strode across the bridge
The schlemiel being fond of 
Wide bosoms trailed behind
Unbeknownst of her small-town nobility
Good day, gleefully he sang
She replied being dour and cheeky
She had him if only for her jealousy
Reprobate husband
Who happened to stroll by 
In the meadow two blonde
Souls nestling about 
The schlemiel looked up and saw despairs 
Lillian crooned and smiled mischievous 
The schlemiel fled 
The reprobate chastised the woman
So they say but others say 
She crushed him beneath her pleasantness and constant indifference.

LSD (120 of 365)

Welcome to day 120 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day penny-farthing meaning: "a type of bicycle with a large front wheel and a much smaller rear wheel."


Projections of ghosts fill the horizon
Chords of light wail and yawn
Dispensing lasers divide and carve the flailing crowd 
The embryo of boiling life 
Gestating within the smouldering scampish urethral track
I am the excreta of s profound hallucinogenic God
I am the many armed demon of destiny Vishnu
I am the shifting of cerebral hemispheres
I am the lobotomised robotomised
Host of internal Polaroids
That snap and crack onto my brain
With pulse pounding precision
There are flashes in the dark
Whether from the strobe or my synapse 
Shooting dopamine
Shooting norepinephrine
Shooting serotonin

The air dances with fire flies the burst out of rotating finger nails
And the mouths of the crowds 
Entangle and fold into each other's
Like grotesque fleshy butterflies
Unicorns are born here
Penny farthings speed over rainbow laser roads 
Rotating rotors roar like propellers 
From trees that bloom pink and green on the blushing ceiling 

Pound pound pounding
Of the heart and soul 
Race for equilibrium 
The colours the colours 
Where am I...
What am I...

Cervid (119 of 365)

Day 119 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Cervid meaning "a mammal of the deer family."


Hung drawn and quartered 
The deer stood before its reckoning
The rifle at the ready
The scope saw destiny
Caught between the cross-thatch
One violent shot rings out
It sears like lightning
The thing is undone
And prised apart 

Thousands of miles away 
In marble halls with marble knives
Venison passes ones lips
They laugh as the blood trickles down their throats 
Like century old vintage.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Escalator (118 of 365)

Day 118 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day officious meaning: 
"being annoyingly eager to do more than is required."


No I don't agree
Fuck you fuck the point
I can't 
No you don't understand it's impossible not in my language 

Screw you dog piece of dirt
The choice is yours to make 
Back off or get lost 
Words can sting
My words will leave behind a shrill belch irradiating your ears

I hate you
I hate this place
I hate these angry words
Back off you're ruining this
I didn't do anything 
I never do anything
It's always you who 
Fucks it all up 

You're rotten 
You're officious 
You're better forgotten
You're useless
A pansy, a faggot 
You're a cunt

Words have a curse and a ring
I hope your spine caves in 
With all this 
I hope you die
I hope you go to hell
I know you're a coward
No one could say these things if they weren't true

These grotesque things are all justified 
You made it so 
You deserve it
I deserve to say what you are 
You are nothing 
I will make you nothing 

I will reduce and define 
Until there is nothing left that is you
Just the acid sting of slurs.

Dandenong (117 of 365)

Day 117 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day munificent meaning "very generous."


The hills are dotted white
With tiny flower stems 
Lost in green banks of moss

There is a solemnity 
In the gardens the slow drip of
Water like a broken faucet 
Spring is here in the bright
Purple of the jacaranda 
Spring is here in the red and pinks of the posies
Spring is here in the flowers in the bridesmaids hands 
The thorns draw some blood 

There is no breeze
But the sky is clear and glad
The trees appear huddled together
Into a cosy bouquet 
A small water course trickles 
Down a procession of trees
Gathered as if in ceremony
How many years have the taller ones known whose boughs span more than ten arm spans across
There presence is munificent 

This place is best without people
It is best without the sound of car engines and the stomp of feet
The roof of the Forest with its broad deciduous leaves 
Is like a stained glass window 
This is a cathedral here 
The silence is beautiful 
Beneath this glorious canopy
The red dirt is regal

This is peace.

Roast Lamb (116 of 365)

Day 116 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day largesse "liberality in bestowing gifts".

Roast Lamb

I can smell Sunday 
The sweat of potatoes sweet and salted
The honey scent of carrots in sparkling oil and 
soft pumpkin hungry for my tongues caress

I see the dour sweaty faces 
Around the table
Hands are pawing and trailing grease
The lamb itself innocuous and bland
Then it is wreathed in all of its finery and the table is spilling with plates and the largess of it all
Makes my belly ache

I watch the thick butcher knife
Slice open the lamb
The pink bloody flesh is inside
It calls to me 
I feel the fibres of its beautiful 
Death on my tongue 
The flavours of salt and the blood wine in my throat

The cooling mint sauce refreshing with a hint of vinegar
The bloating continues
The potatoes grow cold
The peas roll off my plate 
Onto the floor the gravy forces my t-shirt to bulge as I transform
Into a sloth
Laughter is drowned by food
Talking of wide grotesque lips
Drowned in wine and flesh and blood
My cracked lips stained blood red
With red red wine. 

Iconoclast (115 of 365)

Day 115 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day iconoclast meaning: "someone who attacks cherished ideas or institutions."


You must serve the greater good
You must persevere against spittle rebuke and condescension
You must decide to be better
You must

You must avoid staples of vulnerability
You must stare cold and straight
You must ignore your suffocating anxiety 
You must

You must conquer insurmountable dread 
You must have courage 
You must have a strong stomach 
You must beat them down
You must crush them if they do not listen
You must

You must forget everything else
You must realise nothing else is relevant
You must beat and hurt and punish
You must succumb to violence
You must be violence
You must avoid the impulse to self destruction 
You must project self assurance
You must do the impossible
You must remove anything from you
Which will not assist.

You must.

Fortitude (114 of 365)

Day 114 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day hapless meaning "unfortunate and deserving pity."


The person of fortitude 
Weathered the storm
Spoke with the enchantress 
Across the wild whipped sea
Who stole his heart kept it for a trophy and spat it out creating the blood Red Sea
Now hapless he stands cold and alone 

The person of fortitude 
Conquered the torrent
She assailed the highest peaks
The sage greeted her and
Spoke of how his heart 
Had been torn out 

The people of fortitude 
Clamber across chasms of destiny
They feed each other 
They hold each other 
They are warm and bored together
They are dredged in mindlessness
They are smiling 
Perhaps they are happy
Perhaps they are as they now appear.

Light Years (113 of 365)

Day 113 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day Equanimity meaning "steadiness of mind under stress".

Light Years 

In many years I'll be lost
In many years my ways 
Will be considered other
In many years I'll rust
Having lost equanimity 
My family turned to dust
In many years I'll maybe see
Light shining in the stars
In many years my skin 
Will sag and crawl
In many years I will not be safe
Nor a sage, nor wizened or wise
I will be lost light years away