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Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Letter to Pop

...the universe is different now
I'm sorry it had to change so
I'm sorry I can't understand you

What was that word?
That ancient verb...
to go and to do
We don't do
We can't

Your hands are like a trees
I can see the water in you
I can see the recycling system
of your blood
Grandpa, pop, do you get that?

I wrote you something
...you used to call them letters
You said they were things you folded
They were put on something...
Something you could touch
You wrote with... your own hands
hands how funny
What are they? --- I'm serious!

But you explained something to me...
You mentioned another funny word
you like to use that word
To pretend like you need to open your mouth
I really wish I could understand you Pop...
Like a fish, like a fish? --- they open their mouths
don't they?

You told me things were destined to change
Destiny --- it's not something you can touch
It's an idea isn't it? --- One of those right?
They used to have contraptions
To objects forward
...convey them...that's right conveyor belts --- that's the word!
Destiny is like that isn't it,..only there's no way off
You just keep along and then...does it end
Do you get packaged and sent off somewhere...

I know things were different...
They always are
I am sure they will be as well

You're the most interesting person I know...
did I tell you that Pop.
Sorry...I don't like to over affectionate
But that's why I prepared this thing for you
Call it a letter if you like
though you can't fold it.

Thank you. Thank you Pop.

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