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Sunday, 12 June 2011

The Void of Space

 I wrote a poem when I was 12. I remember distinctly, the teacher played music. It was this really soaring operatic piece and it immediatly sent my into space. I think at the time I had heard a similiar piece at my Nan's when she started buying something called Music box. I think the first one was called Voyage to the Planets or that was the classical music that inspired the story that went with it. Anyway the sad thing is, I've been digging around my cupboard and I can't find it, but I know for a fact this is the second and last stanza of it.

I remember writing it as an odd moment. A moment where for once I didn't feel self conscious. I was proud of what I'd written. Anyway, here is The void of space, stripped down to it's bare essentials (what I can remember) and yet. I think if I tried to add anymore to it, it would only serve to make it worse.

The Void of Space

A long dark 
dreary void going
on forever

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