Once again thank you for coming! And I hope you enjoy this momentary distraction please leave your comments or thoughts. They are most welcome!

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Parable of the Dolls

Not sure if this will be successful, but I had this in my phone a random thought I'd jotted down and I liked the idea of writing a moral story seeing as I am such a preacher myself. I started off with the idea to put it in prose, but this is a poetry blog. Anyway see what you think, it is an experiment, and I hope you get something out of it. As with all parables well the only I really know are Jesus's having been to a christian school, the most important thing is the message. What is that message? Well it would be didactic and preachy to tell you? So I'll do the equivalent of mushing veggies into your potato so you won't know until it hits you!

Anyway speak soon readers! As always I encourage anyone reading this to write their own stuff or post a comment if you feel so inclined. Thanks again.

Parable of the Dolls

Once there was a boy
he possessed one doll and it
was what he loved most

There was also a man
100 dolls he possessed
he loved them each

but 101 dolls he craved
he sought out the boy
with 1 doll he searched

and at last these two very
different men met
but the boy did not want

to part for gold he clung tightly
onto the doll and held
it far from the man

"I shall not trade her for all
the wealth in the land"
proclaimed the boy

the man left and wept
the 1 doll had been
his first but he had

sold it to buy another
to buy one grander
finer and richer

but even with 100
all he now wanted was
1 he left the boy

he returned to his
100 and was not heard
of since

the boy meanwhile
set his doll upon the shelf
he treasured it

and now his son plays
with the very same

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