Once again thank you for coming! And I hope you enjoy this momentary distraction please leave your comments or thoughts. They are most welcome!

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Domestic (32 of 365)

Welcome to day 32 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day unctuous meaning "excessively flattering or ingratiating; oily."


Down the water cascades like murder
Leaking into the sink
Those unctuous words 
Splatter soundless through the kitchen 
That no longer has any sheen
The pan thuds crashing to the floor
The thunder of violence stirs 
This stainless chrome world
Which spirals out into chaos.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Before Bed (after the horror movie) (31 of 365)

Welcome to day 31 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day - Exculpatory: Exculpatory evidence is evidence favorable to the defendant in a criminal trial that exonerates or tends to exonerate the defendant of guilt. 

Before Bed (After the horror movie)

Subsumed in ashes
I lie here and I'm not sure
I don't know how much longer
I have

Is this what this pulling sensation is
Death had her claws into me
They are cold and cloying 

Dare I raise my head 
Subject myself to Darwinism
For curiosity

The monsters are coming
They are coming for me 
Here in this dark deep place
Stagnant and damp

What was that?
What am I ? 

I can feel it now tearing through my
Heart this is life or death
This is an avalanche
Hear that roar so beautiful and tragic
The spurs and slurries of ice
Torn assumed unanchored

There is a chaos to this lifeless place
How deep can my skin stick
Into the mud before I become it

My final exculpatory dream
That upon the unravelling 
There will be golden gates an after
That there will be solace from hell
Worse still absence 

What if instead 
Like dreads gnawing finger
All was muted and 
I am silenced forever. 

Monday, 29 August 2016

Battlefield Love (30 of 365)

Welcome to day 30 of 365 and the grand experiment continues. It's good to set yourself a goal and stick to it!

For all newcomers I've set myself a goal for the remainder of this year, no matter what, I must post one poem a day on my blog and to add a kicker I have to incorporate a word I'm a little unsure about or unfamiliar with every day. This is day 30. Can I keep it for a year? I guess we will all see.

Today's poem, stems from my work in which I encounter a lot of family violence. Let's just say that the beats of Ariana Grande and Taylor swift merged with these darker thoughts in my head and presto out came a poem.

Word of the day Corpulent " (of a person) fat."

Battlefield Love 

I sit up in this neon battlefield 
The blare of discordant notes
The warm hot fluorescent red
Flushes of voices
Tangled up in this beautiful cacophony I've woven for you 
all for you my love

The mouthpieces with their folders 
Labyrinthine folders and trolleys
The cooling blue depression of these trenches 
but its all for you
My love 
always for you

The bullets fire off
The red flares signal danger
But I keep riding through the night
They can't touch me
They can't reach me in this cool
Starry abyss I've created 
Just for you my love just for you

I press my advantage like pistons
My mechanisms know no fatigue
My machinations and the swell
Of this violet dream 
That draws us together and washes all our memory into these 
Black and white shades

But my thoughts of you will always
Be the hazy glow of a photographers red room
There is so much blood and flesh
Between us the cords cannot be severed 
don't you see my love 

Even in your cool stone repose
Even as all the warm edifice of you is subsumed by this caricature 
Even as the red and blue lights circle
Even as the men in grey, black and royal blue sign their papers
Even then I will melt your stone
I will seize your corpulent heart
And between the nubs of my grizzled fingers I shall squeeze
Until I steal one pulse 
Just one pulse from you
It will be mine

All mine
My love.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

This Moment (29 of 365)

 Welcome to day 29 of the 365 day poem challenge. 

Word of the day sapid meaning: "(of talk or writing) pleasant or interesting".

This Moment

This moment unravels
This moments possibility spill out
Like a train that cannot stop 
Grating in fury against its iron rails
Grinding in frustration and drawing sparks

This moment unspools
And is lost in sea of waves
Undulating and wearying weekends
Lost time
Lost times on these seas
A sapid shanty never composed 
Lost on the winds

This moment is gone
Far be it of me to point it out...

Friday, 26 August 2016

Assiduous Tasting (28 of 365)

Welcome to day 28 of the 365 day poem challenge. Today I was observing my niece eating her breakfast and inspiration came along.

Word of the day Assiduous meaning: "showing great care and perseverance."

Assiduous Tasting  

Chew bite squish 
Down it goes

Squash slop slap
Banging on the table

Slurp lick suck
In my mouth 

Stick it in
Stick it in

Soft spiky yucky
Back onto the table

Slide tip spin
Rotate my plate

Over the edge
Not over the edge 


One more piece

Poke push look
This is boring now

Off I go 
Off I go

Stir swing kick 
Plate is on the floor.

Upon You (27 of 365)

Welcome to day 27 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day peremptory "insisting on immediate attention or obedience, especially in a brusquely imperious way."

Upon you

I sat in the meadow 
glorious and green
You were there 

That was all that mattered
You were there
Behind the curtain of the willow
Your smile was cheeky
Like a child 
You could scream my name 
You were so enamoured with me

I could never understand why I fell
Back onto the cool grass
Enshrouding myself in 
Armour of shyness

Your tongue like a pike
Poked past my conceit
And I smiled disarmed 
And naked
Before you on that bank
In the sun

We passed between us 
Sweet fruits 
Strawberries that turned Luminescent in my mouth 

You batted me 
Then dragged me peremptory 
snatching away the last
Of the brilliant red fruit

Then I fell down through
That happy feeling
I fell upon you
And you upon me
And there we lay.

The Tall Lady on the Precipice (26 of 365)

Welcome to day 26 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day is Magisterial meaning "having or showing great authority."

The Tall Lady on the Precipice 

Your magisterial stance
Leaves me weak

Your canonical mind
Rends me bare

Your emboldened arms
Hold me close

Your hardened stare
Turns me cold

Your soulful ether
Weaves into me

Your incandescent flesh
Melts into mine.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Quintessence (25 of 365)

Welcome to day 25 of the 365 poem challenge.

Word of the day and title of our poem, Quintessence meaning "the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class."


He boarded 
He did not look back
He could not look beyond 
He could not foresee the failures
Of his time 
He bid goodbye to those behind him
He bowed inward 
He did not betray the 
Nerves quaking through him

He sat in a waiting space
He hummed alone 
He saw a stranger that looked familiar
He drew out his phone
A micro-world blaring in his palm

He disembarked
He was disembodied 
He hardly knew himself
He was neither present not there
He had a vague blankness about him
His obscurity burst uncomfortably from him like a curse

He lay in a coffin alcove
He supposed little
He reasoned life was inconsequential
He hoarded his thoughts 
Excitement and vigour flashed in his bleating soul 

But it was temporary and
Casually lost.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Alpha-sex (24 of 365)

Welcome all to day 24 of the 365 day poem challenge. 

I think this poem is relatively self-explanatory. 

Word of the day is X-irradiate, meaning "to expose to radiation in the form of x-rays."



Monday, 22 August 2016

Bygones (23 of 365)

Welcome to day 23 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Word of the day is abjure meaning to "formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief"


I used to believe in you and I
Our romance written upon clouds
You had the fond habit of chasing
Me to heart palpitations 

I recoil now to thing of the stress
You were a daily devotion and religion to me
How I abjure you now 

Still I wish you well
I wish you calm
Though I doubt you wish it upon yourself, all the worlds a stage

To you then and still
I pity you, but that would involve 
Consideration, which imparts care
I'm content now as a rabbit 

With a cabbage
I wish you well meddler 
In my life, I suppose all
Of this would not be possible 

If not for your cloying 
Suffocating love 
my surrogate Of suffering 
Let bygones be gone. 

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Synecdoche (22 of 365)

Welcome to day 22. The following is another observation, of a morning. I was in Crows Nest near my home and so this came to me.

Synecdoche meaning "a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa"


And the pigeon became distressed
And the shit sprayed the path
And the pug chased
And the girl said "hello pidge!"
And the barista heard nothing 
And the nail salon owner glanced up
And the cars whittled by deaf
And the grocer stumbled 
And the clerk caught him 
And she looked into his startled eyes
And the butcher stood idle cleaver in hand
And the pigeon swatted by the tourist
And the tourist cursed
And his partner giggled 
And the little girl pointed and laughed
And the pigeon flew up 

And the Sunday bustled on
And coffee cups were filled and emptied
And feet stamped the pink pavers 

And the park grass turned blue
And then green
And then indigo 
And then black.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Cremorne Point (21 of 365)

Day 21 of the 365 day poem challenge. 

Word of the day coquettish meaning "behaving in such a way as to suggest a playful sexual attraction; flirtatious."

Cremorne Point

I saw you there
By the water and by the shore

There was a light that shimmered
Against the skyscrapers
The white tile sails
The vast iron bridge
That pinnacle of human ingenuity
Fanning out before us 

But all there was,
Was your soft pearl hand
Caressing mine

Our limp hands
swaying coquettish

The salt breeze
Mingled through us
The warm cold

Was no comparison
To the cold pink
Light between us.

Friday, 19 August 2016

Herbal Exchange (20 of 365)

Hey all welcome to day 20. Today it's all about writing about one thing but alluding to another.

Word of the day Apotheosis meaning "the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax."

Herbal Exchange

I rest beside your capsicum
Thighs that make water
In my flesh

I feel the caress of thyme 
The smell of it
Wafts up pleasantly 
A commingling 
An apotheosis 

A soft wind echoes lavender 

A door closes

Jars of evergreen 
Jars of brown cumin
Ruby red paprika
Explosions of turmeric
Oil kissed dried chilli

There is abundance here
In the desecration of my tongue
The flare of 
Salty sea crumb

The seasoning 
Is robust
It folds onto us.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Inside my Headphones (19 of 365)

Welcome to day 19 of the 365 day poem challenge ! 

Phlegmatic meaning " (of a person) having an unemotional and stolidly calm disposition."

Inside my Headphones 

Lumbering melodies 
Tear in and out 
There's a whiteness and 
Delicacy to it

Sweet cacophonies 
Cactus in my ears
Staccato prancing 
The lines dipping 
The time signatures swooning
Sharps dipping down 
To embrace fidgety crochets

Phlegmatic minums
Take stride beside
The regal operatic soaring

Posture corrects 
And unwinds like Nuclear physics 
Random tastes of music
Ransom any rhythm
Melody takes over 
Whirring out of control

My ears pop
With the sting of it 
And the in contained beauty 
Fierce and strident 

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Girl on the Beach (18 of 365)

Welcome to day 18 of the 365 day poem challenge.

Today's word is one I have used in the past, but one I have often had difficulty placing. 

It is chimerical meaning "1 : existing only as the product of unchecked imagination : fantastically visionary or improbable. 2 : given to fantastic schemes."

Girl on the Beach 

I am sure she exists
I saw her on holiday 
It was like a movie in a sense
She was there on the sand
I insist she was not some chimerical
Flight of fancy

She is probably different to you and I
Her eyes were what drew me in
However I was already stalking 
The nape of her neck
The roundness of her back
Tapering off below her waist 

She wore white, but I'm not one for detail
I could not tell you if it were a blouse and skirt, or perhaps a dress
The light played tricks on me
It got that sweet spot in the corner of her eye
Turned her pupils to flecked marbles

That was when she first turned
I saw her toes sink playfully into the sand
The heels sprung up
Her toes dipping down into the white sand 
I was reminded of an almond dipped deep into desiccated coconut

Where was I, you ask while all this unfolded
I cannot recall 
The moment was scintillating 
And disembodying

I know I shall not speak with her
She was not one to be alone
Not one prone to idyl fascination 
As I 

At the same time I had no desire to trap or contain her
The music that lived within her, in her mouth and her laughing eyes
I would not have wanted to reduce that in any sense
I let her be

free and dance on
Howling laughter 
Flaying her hands back cheeky
At the sun and moon.


Wynyard (17 of 365)

Day 17 and counting of the 365 days poem challenge.

Word of the day is flummox "perplex (someone) greatly; bewilder."


Chaotic maelstrom
Passengers disembark

Gargantuan flummox 
Navigating platforms underground

Desperate automatons
Swipe and go swipe and go
Proceeding this way and that

Down this dark corridor 
Down those dim stairs

Corrosive beams
Stand in worship of the rats
Who raise their snouts
The tunnel comes to light and rings thunder behind them.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Etymology of the Heart (16 of 365)

Hi all, 

Welcome to day 16. Well into week three of the poem a day for a year challenge.

Today's word Etymology meaning "the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history."

Etymology of the Heart

Your smile floats on me
Like a leaf in a pool
On a rainy cloudless day 

Your lips bloom
Red and sultry up through
The soft wet mud 

Your skin though you would never say
Is like a beam of the finest and smoothest pine

There is a forest in you
That is a living room 
It holds me in a lounge chair embrace

Home is this touch
My hand touching yours
Our anatomy connected
Like a jigsaw
Our minds interweaving and producing this

Singular beauty. 

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Metamorphosis (day 15 of 365)

Welcome to the third week of the poem challenge! We're up to day 15 of 365.
Word of the day is Saturnine meaning "gloomy", in olden times relating to "lead"


While in a saturnine mood
I imagine I'm someone more
By this I mean someone worshipped

The dream catches on different ideas and images
Different stirrings 
But in them glamour descends upon me

It is a bitter drink to emerge back
Into the tar of reality

There's that roar in my chest
As my mind casts out
To the fantasy of absolute and
Irreversible metamorphosis
To cast aside the meanings carved into my skin, family and world 

(Is that freedom or eternal isolation)

Fear and anxiety is my rudder
It redirects my course away
From uncertain trajectories 
back to something
Calm and banal

But one day perhaps as I stand on
A jetty alone on a starlit night
Something marvellous might happen
Serendipity will visit me
The sort that stories and movies are made of
Before life started becoming to common

I shut my eyes and dream
And drift on waves that carry me
Away from that pier 
And I'm bursting
Forth from a cocoon 
I hardly know myself now
I am changed forever 

But I'm no caterpillar
My feet are anchored firm to the ground
That can only be a dream and a smile
A pleasant thought to recline in.

That is all.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Car Park (13 of 365)

Welcome to day 13 of the 365 day poem challenge I set myself. Just to remind all a poem every day and in every poem a word i don't know or to be frank don't understand.

The word of today is ballast, meaning "is material that is used to provide stability to a vehicle or structure."

I was inspired today to write about where I was, the...

Car Park

Suspended horizons and cascading bars
Gleaming fluorescent beams
Smudged concrete

Petrol fumes Echoes
 of choked 
Engines Cloying brown 
smeared air

Persons separated by glass
Separated by blood and glass and
The chassis and the frame and the wheel and the piston drone and the fan belt whirring and the blinkers blinking and the horns blaring 

Stone fortress guarding
Nothing special
Ballast and bastion
Cloudless black

Lost and confused
Directionless pathless
Labyrinthine inhospitable desert
Barren grey

The Lecture (12 of 365)

Welcome all to day 12 of the challenge I've set myself to post a poem every day for the remainder of the year and to include a new and unfamiliar word each time.

Word of the day facetious meaning "treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour; flippant"

The Lecture 

 The facetious youth sat in back 
His tongue hanging low 
All the while his eyes on the teachers rack 

The youth in an attempt at allure
Bided his time taking notes
Calculating whether he might be her cure

What might she do when not so tightly bound
He pondered this in her hand white chalk
But his imagination was filled with less innocent sound

He sat erect leaning forward
Hoping she may notice
Yet as she scrawled his thoughts remained as always untoward  

He licked his lip
She raised a brow
His eyes practically trip

Now he with a knowing blush
She offers a grin
She tells him not to rush

But to pack his things up
History is across the hall 
The youth turns red rises up

After all that mooning 
He's out the door off for study 
No more time for swooning.

Hangry (14 of 365)

Welcome to day 13 of the 365 day poem challenge.

This is the 13th poem posted, and this is the 13th word of the day.

Lugubrious meaning: "looking or sounding sad and dismal."


Don't dare sit there with that lugubrious smile
To make me feel sorry 
To make me go weak at the knees?
You toad stool
You root canal pain searing
Soaring pimply puss

Don't smile that doleful way
Don't pray for forgiveness 
My docile ursine
Don't be be such a prickly nervous 
Fatigue inducing puppy-eyed child!

Your countenance will not save you today
You shall not be spared!

Don't try to pluck an answer 
From your bowels 
You fetid bog of a human
No solution can account for
This vacuum of aspiration

That is your drooping melancholy
Your feelings are getting in the way
Obstructing gnawing burning 

Well hop to it,
My bottomless pit of rage 
Can only be quenched by one
Salve only

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Yellow Lane (11 of 365)

Welcome all to day 11 of my 365 day poem challenge ! 

Word of the day Obsequious meaning "obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree."

Yellow lane

There's a calm yellow lane
Where I can rest 
It's simple enough
Bricks thin and compact
It has a smooth painted ground

Near to my future self
I recline obsequious on the smooth yellow paint 
Relaxing in my calm yellow mind
Swollen with pride 

The future calls down a dark
Aisle with a white light
It reminds me of judgement
And baptism 
With an embalming quality 
there is no rebirth here

I grab a smooth invisible hand
I close my eyes
It is the breeze 
And it's time to get up
Time to leave my yellow lane. 

Magnanimous Custody Papers (10 of 365)

Welcome to day 10 we are hitting double digits today.

Time for a timely Haiku. 

Magnanimous defined as "generous or forgiving, especially towards a rival or less powerful person."

Magnanimous Custody Papers

What a bore this is 
Yet this is my life for ten 
years, lost in white space.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Sorry (9 of 365)

Welcome all to day 9 of the daily poem posting challenge! 

Word of the day Yeoman "a man holding and cultivating a small landed estate; a freeholder"

I am sorry 

This was the indulgence 
Not permitted this was the step
Too far
To admit my wrong doing
Would cause all to unravel
My negligence laid bare
Too great to fathom
Shall I hide them beneath the radioactive tinfoil conspiracies
The lies that I feed myself 
Like a little pup sniffing after a treat
Oblivious to the harm
There is no ire 
I'm protected behind this cloak of deceit
These gloaming deceitful spheres
Farewell my integrity 
Farewell my heart song and soul sprint
Farewell my youth 
Farewell passion and exuberance
Welcome now to the grey company of deceives
Dollar chasers 
Proud yeomen of a failed crop
They laugh at you, you know.

They laugh all the way home
Stories are told of your 
Caprice and greed 
Your moral turpitude

All for the absence of two short words: "I'm sorry."

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Failure to Diagnose (8 of 365)

Hi all welcome to day 8, first day of week two of the poem a day for the remainder of the year challenge.

Word of the day is capricious meaning:
"given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour".

Enjoy :) 

Failure to Diagnose (fight or flight)

Melon cholera 
Deep session
Subsistence obtuse

Lithe me at im

Brain doctor



Zip pets are...
Sit tao my pram 

Fire or fight 
Ideal Solvent for life 
Melanin smear

All you see:
"Capricious subrogation!"

Lascivious Harvest (6 of 365)

Welcome all I've set myself a challenge one poem every day for the rest of the year and in every new poem a new word that I am not sure or don't know the meaning of. 

Welcome to my experiment I hope you enjoy or are suitably appalled of confused.

Word of the day lascivious "feeling or revealing an overt sexual interest or desire."

Welcome readers to day 6.

Lascivious Harvest 

The white swell 
The ocean conjures to mind
The salt on my lascivious 

Nectarine soft swollen 
Seed core
Perspires fresh rosy red

Lemon crush 
Lips sting sour
Sweet suckling flesh 

Tangerine auburn sweet
Exposed segments and tendons
Scintillating flushed membrane

Apple of my eye
Kiss my teeth
Down my gob
Tasty, good to eat.

Bland Morning (7 of 365)

Welcome all to the first milestone one week of the post a poem for a day challenge I have set myself. 

Word of the day "vaunted" meaning boast about or praise (something), especially excessively"

Bland Morning 

In the news today 
White noise

Black man
Blasted point blank
No remorse

The much vaunted white man 
Shining like nitroglycerin

Yawning I reach for my cereal bowl
My bowels tremble and settle 
Processing the lactose and sugar

Tsunami down the city goes
Like dominos
No survivors 

Now on my mobile texting this or that person
Facebook App, news feed reveals another Puff post 
Like that 
But wish there was an unlike button

Malnourished the boys
Skin sticks to his bones
Flies feast on his cracked bleeding skin

Some people in some country
Were bombed there remains
A plume of grey white gas on

Television screen 

I turn the remote in my hand
Depress the button
The images and sound are sucked back inside

Out the door 
Down the stairs
Scroll through my news app

Fire in the neighbouring suburb
The family a mother, father
Little boy five-ish stare 

In other news DC and Marvel
Continue their war for supremacy
Disney expands its corporate branches
Some pink faced fellow rambles for the hope of presidency

Important issues 
Puff and fluff

I yawn and put it away,
Back in my pocket.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Moribund (5 of 365)

Moribund defined as "as a person on the edge of death"

Welcome to day 5 (posted cheekily on day 6)


Red stained 
Yellow glow 
Stone grey

Trifle, a momentary (6 of 365)

Here is the sixth poem in the daily poem for a year challenge I've set myself.

 it is an interesting process posting each day, it stretches your brain and in this case I think has amounted to something quite ordinary, but I'm determined to stick to this.

It's funny how the poem below reflects my rather middling performance today at work haha, but that is another story. Happy reading, thank you all for sharing in my indulgence :)

We will see how this unfolds in the coming days, weeks and months.

Today's word "oblique" meaning slanted or crooked.

Trifle, a momentary 

Said I to Mr Sparrow
"Please assure me tomorrow will be good"
Sparrow chuckled in that rectangular way, "Nonsense chum, scrape the bucket old bean"
I despaired at the limits of my imagination that I had somehow conjured this poorly engineered creature 
Said he then, "Jolly good sire" making sure to strike the whiskers beneath his bowlers cap, they were bristled and with his bulging eyes 
It reminded me of a cat I used to know 
"Toodle pip" he said hastening me away from caricature assassination 

Inanity space filler 
Twisted oblique?

I sighed again 
Time to erase this archaic archetype from my mind
The gargantuan folds of his pants are still so easy to imagine.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Focus (4 of 365)

In an effort to post more regularly, I have decided to set myself a challenge.

Three basic rules:
1. 1 poem a day (for the next year);
2. At least one word I am unfamiliar with to incorporate into each poem; and 
3. Every 7 days incorporate some type of structured poem (as opposed to free verse).

Welcome to day 4!

Today's word erudite - meaning "having or showing great knowledge or learning."


Focus you erudite souls
Floating on limbs of possibility
Focus on forward motion

Focus on peace at hand 
It will come

Glowing vibrant 
Go forth 
Be iridescent 
Be effervescent

Your rise will burn fast
Like rocket fuel burns 
Until within earth's orbit 
The fuselage drops away
Leaving only darkness and
Bronze silent embers.

Focus on my eyes
Those blackhole spheres. 

Monday, 1 August 2016

Night sweats (3 of 365)

In an effort to post more regularly, I have decided to set myself a challenge.

Three basic rules:
1. 1 poem a day (for the next year);
2. At least one word I am unfamiliar with to incorporate into each poem; and 
3. Every 7 days incorporate some type of structured poem (as opposed to free verse).

Welcome to day 3!

Today's word detritus - meaning "waste or debris of any kind"

How my brain aches
I want to burn out the aching tissue
Until it's hollow and cold inside

Today I learned what true exertion was
I strode beyond the pale
I fell into it, the task at hand was obscured

Feeling along fumbling about like a frail 
Yet pathetic lapdog
I nodded at the correct times
Did as I was told
All this I did and I wrote it down

Oh parable of today
Oh Juxtaposition of pretension and fatigue 
Oh these long cold nights
Oh these boiling hot moments of tedium 
Sifting through words upon words
Until language is a vacant vehicle 
Perspiration on this detritus

My veins gilded to botrytis 
So sweet and dry

The point is though that I am 
Very tired and now it's time for me to rest
As much as night will allow.